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Current News for April 16, 2008

Official US study denies Saddam had links with al-Qaida

Thu, 13 Mar 2008 04:34:19 PDT
Incidentally, the 5th estate on CBC Newsworld has a show coming up on all the lies the Bush govt told leading up to the Iraq war. A US military study officially acknowledged for the first time yesterday that Saddam Hussein had no direct ties to al-Qaida, undercutting the Bush administration's central case for war with Iraq. The study, based on more than 600,000 documents recovered after US and UK troops toppled Saddam in 2003, concluded there was "no 'smoking gun' direct connection] betwe

Legal News Watch Launches Asbestos Today

Tue, 04 Nov 2003 00:00:01 PST
SAN DIEGO, CA (PRWEB) November 3, 2003– Legal News Watch today announced the debut of Asbestos Today (, a single, central location where consumers can easily find...

Ashlee Simpson isn’t pregnant?

Tue, 15 Apr 2008 23:05:25 PDT
Yesterday, sources confirmed to Us Magazine that Ashlee Simpson was pregnant and may have subtly given credence to the rumor that Pete Wentz isn’t afraid of vaginas. “Not so”, says Pete Wentz. In an email to MTV News, Pete denied the reports and explained that people were out to get him.

Search Engine Specifically For One Race

Wed, 16 Apr 2008 01:31:15 PDT
There has been a time when some friends who were still in the university were complaining that it was hard for them to find information about some stuff they were searching for on the web. The information was actually about some of the country’s local trends and practices, and that can be kind of difficult to find over the internet. Too bad there isn’t any kind of search engine that caters to our race. However, recently, a new search engine has been launched and it is aimed towards African-Ame

Newsworld jobs: I’m sure it’s just a coincidence…

Mon, 07 Apr 2008 10:59:10 PDT
Ten new CBC News jobs in Calgary were posted this morning. These, presumably, are part of the people given back to Alberta after CBC moved — er, “reconfigured” — CBC Newsworld programming from Calgary to Toronto: 4 reporter/editors Video-journalist 4 videgraphers Switcher-Director In what I’m sure is just a coincidence, only two positions are posted for Toronto this morning: Specialist in “Contract Management” Specialist in Automation

Keep on with the force don’t stop

Wed, 16 Apr 2008 03:07:37 PDT
Keep on with the force don’t stop The most basic statement of Stein’s Law says: “If something cannot go on forever, it will stop”. More specifically, the late Herb Stein stressed that, when a trend cannot go on, it always stops–even when nothing is done about it. This yardstick of common sense is particularly apposite today, as we see in the following five examples of trends whose time has come and gone. 1. Mean Reversion in US Wealth Growth: A March 7 front page headline of the Financial

Facebook’s Lexicon shows trends among its 70 million users - VentureBeat

Facebook’s Lexicon shows trends among its 70 million users
VentureBeat, CA - 12 hours ago
Many people already use Google Trends, which lets you see the popularity of Google search terms, to track what’s popular. If you care about what Facebook ...
Facebook’s to Release the Lexicon for Tracking Wall Posts Mashable
Lexicon: Meet Facebook's answer to Google Zeitgeist CNET Blogs
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