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April 21, 2008 News and Trends


Tue, 15 Apr 2008 15:08:03 PDT
New LA Times/Bloomberg polls for Pennsylvania, Indiana, and North Carolina are out. Pennsylvania: Clinton 46%, Obama 41%. Indiana: Obama 40%, Clinton 35%. North Carolina: Obama 47%, Clinton 34%.

Community news • ... (Akron Beacon Journal)

Sun, 20 Apr 2008 22:32:55 PDT
Community news • The Boys & Girls Clubs of the Western Reserve announced Mario Anderson as the local winner of the Youth of the Year competition. He will proceed to the state competition. He received a $1,000 scholarship. Four youths from Summit and Portage counties competed.

Adjunct professors increasing in numbers

Mon, 21 Apr 2008 01:42:18 PDT
Student groups often lobby for international labor causes, but a visiting leader of a faculty advocacy group plans to highlight serious labor issues facing college faculty, both at the UW and at colleges across the country. Nationwide, the numbers of employed adjunct college professors are steadily on the rise. However, this shift from full-time, tenured professors to adjunct faculty is not merely a national issue — it has also shifted to become an international predicament as well. “Colleges

Battlefield: Bad Company release date + Gold Edition details

Tue, 15 Apr 2008 16:47:51 PDT
Good news- the upcoming Battlefield: Bad Company has been given a release date today and it looks like it is right on track for it's previously mentioned summer release. The official date is June 23.Now some details on the Gold Edition of the game. Let me first clarify that EA stated not too long ago that all the weapons will be unlockable ...

Senator Has Cancer Again, Will Serve Term

Tue, 15 Apr 2008 17:00:54 PDT
n some very saddening news, we have learned that Senator Specter of Pennsylvania and a true leader on the Judiciary Committee has been diagnosed with Hodgkin's Disease again.

Politics | Politics from the Nation and the World | The Australian

Wed, 09 Apr 2008 12:46:47 PDT
Politics | Politics from the Nation and the World | The Australian April 9th, 2008 No Comments » Latest news on politics from Australia and the World. Including state politics, policies and Local and Federal Government. Source: - Politics Politics with Don Newman on Newsworld is compulsory viewing for a sharp analysis of all things political in this country and around the world. Source: Politics and Political News | Find out what

McWhorter and Loury

Sun, 20 Apr 2008 23:41:25 PDT
John McWhorter and Glenn Loury have been, far and away, the most worthwhile duo to watch on, period. Their most recent episode, "Michelle Obama Ain't a bargainer" is golden. I'd go further and make a point that dovetails with a key unspoken aspect of the McWhorter and Loury discussion: if the 2008 campaign were, at this point, as many people expected, simply a contest between Hillary Clinton and John McCain, we wouldn't be watching John McWhorter and Glenn Loury have this kind

Corbett trying to determine if charges should be laid, says NDP ... - Hill Times

Corbett trying to determine if charges should be laid, says NDP ...
Hill Times, Canada - 1 hour ago
Upon hearing that Elections Canada officials were at the Conservative Party's headquarters when CBC Newsworld broke the story, other news organizations and ...
Liberal leader Dion needs some help, and on the double Hill Times
all 226 news articles

Battlefield: Bad Company release date + Gold Edition details

Tue, 15 Apr 2008 16:47:51 PDT
Good news- the upcoming Battlefield: Bad Company has been given a release date today and it looks like it is right on track for it's previously mentioned summer release. The official date is June 23.Now some details on the Gold Edition of the game. Let me first clarify that EA stated not too long ago that all the weapons will be unlockable ...

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